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Daniel Heckmann

From Farmington, MN

Lives & attends university in Fargo, ND



2018 - 2022

Ba, Architecture, North Dakota State University Fargo, ND

  • Academic standing of 3.797 cumulative GPA

  • Recognized on the dean’s list every semester

  • BWBR Prize Finalist 2021

  • Achieved a 4.0 GPA my last 3 semesters

  • Outstanding project recognition and grade within all studio courses

  • Maintained a high credit load every semester

  • Active/Passive Systems, Environmental Design, Structures, Detailing and Studio


2022 - 2023

MArch, North Dakota State University Fargo, ND

  • Currently working on my Design Thesis for the Masters of Architecture program at NDSU




2015 - Eagle Scout Project construction of a fire ring & seating area at Community of Hope Church Rosemount, MN

  • Project Manager

  • Head of funding and construction

  • Experience in AutoCAD, Revit, Rhino, Lumion and Sketchup

  • Basic comprehension of Adobe Creative Cloud

- Photoshop CC 2021

        - Lightroom

        - Illustrator 2021

        - InDesign 2021

        - Premiere Pro 2021

  • Project Management

  • Problem Solving

  • Passionate

  • Pragmatic

  • People Person



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